Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fat Burning Detox Drink Recipe

Modern and fast lifestyle harms your health. Still wonder why? Have not you noticed that you eat junk and greasy food more than ever?And it is not just those extra calories you are eating that affect your health.
Junk food contains unnecessary calories that slow the metabolism and affect the food digestion. So, we have a simple solution for you – include this delicious and healthy drink in your everyday diet.
In that way you will do your body a great favor and lose some weight at the same time!
1 cup young spinach or chard
2 apples
2 small cucumbers (or 1 if it is bigger in size)
1 lemon
2 celery stalks
First, clean all the ingredients properly. Wash the leafy greens well, and you may want to chop the spinach, or chard, whatever you have. Peel the cucumber and cut it into chunks. Peel the lemon as well.
Add all the ingredients to your blender, and if you want, you can add some water or a few ice cubes.
Blend everything together and remember, you should always have this delicious drink freshly prepared.
For better results, drink it between your meals or in the evening, instead of your dinner.

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