Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Top Fat Burning Snacks

Even the most dedicated and strict dieters get hungry between meals or have the occasional sweet tooth that just can't be satisfied. According to Students' Center for Health at West Virginia University, no foods or snacks will actually "burn" fat but you can substitute low-fat and low-sugar foods to support your weight loss goals. Rather than running to the fridge with a spoon to dig into the ice cream, you should learn which snacks can benefit your healthful lifestyle and weight loss goals.

Fresh Fruit and Greek Yogurt

The Top Fat Burning Snacks

A low-calorie filling snack that may satisfy your appetite is fresh fruit mixed or dipped in non-fat Greek yogurt. Fresh fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can greatly benefit your health. The antioxidants in fruit can lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and high blood pressure. Non-fat Greek yogurt is extremely high in protein and has, on average, half the calories of non-fat regular yogurt, according to "The Los Angeles Times." Remember to buy non-fat Greek yogurt; regular Greek yogurt is extremely high in saturated fat and could be as counterproductive to your weight loss as ice cream.

The Top Fat Burning Snacks

Vegetables and a Non-Fat Dip

Vegetables and non-fat dip is another low-calorie, high fiber snack that will help you lose weight. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension recommends that you cut your vegetables into bite size portions and eat them raw. It suggests raw broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery and cucumbers. Vegetables are rich in fiber and will help to control your appetite. For dips, hummus is a low-fat, high-fiber choice. Non-fat cottage cheese is also a recommended option that is high in protein. As with Greek yogurt, remember to buy the non-fat cottage cheese. Regular cottage cheese is significantly higher in saturated fat.

The Top Fat Burning Snacks

Non-Sugared Cereals with Non-Fat Milk

High sugar cereals are common snack foods that are counterproductive to your weight loss goals, but cereals without added sugar can be a healthful snack food according to the University of Illinois Extension. Select cereals that are made with whole grains. Make sure the cereal does not have added sugar, especially not high-fructose corn syrup, which is common in cereals and can add inches to your waistline, according to research at Princeton University. Buy non-fat milk or unsweetened soy milk, which will add protein to your snack.

The Top Fat Burning Snacks

Egg Whites

Egg whites are an ideal low-calorie, high-protein food to support your weight loss goals. Egg whites have no carbohydrates, no fat and no dietary cholesterol. The University of Delaware recommends making an egg white omelet with mushrooms, spinach and non-fat cheese. You can also add a small amount of salsa on the side. Liquid pasteurized egg whites are available at your local grocery store and can be added to protein shakes, fruit smoothies or baked goods to increase the protein content.

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